Sealants are painless and safe way of protecting the teeth from decaying. Fissure sealants are used as an alternative to dental fillings. They are used to protect the back side of the teeth. Fissure sealants are a kind of plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of the teeth. They are used when the teeth face the risk of decay.


Sealants are applied only on the molars and premolars. The doctor will check your teeth for decay and determine whether you require sealants or not. Treatment procedures starts with cleaning the tooth surface. After that, the dentist will prepare the tooth surface with a special solution. Then, the coating will be applied on the fissure. The procedure is completely pain free and no injections are needed.

Sealants procedure does not require much follow-up treatments or special care after that. Regular check-ups are usually recommended. Keeping in track with daily oral care can help you in protecting both the sealants and your teeth.